18th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization

NEW DATES: September 14-16, 2020


The Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization 2020 welcomes contributions on theory and applications of discrete algorithms, graphs and combinatorial optimization in the wider sense.

The series of Cologne-Twente Workshops on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization started with meetings organized every two years by the universities of Cologne and Twente. The organizational base was later expanded by other universities. Since 2003 the workshop is held (almost) every year.

CTWs are especially intended to let doctoral students and young researchers present the results of their research activities in a friendly and highly interactive atmosphere.

As is customary for CTW, the workshop will be held over three days (June 15-17, 2020).

Dan Bienstock (Columbia University, USA)
Marco Sciandrone (Università di Firenze, Italia)

There will be two types of submissions:
Standard papers (from 8 to 12 pages) that will be selected for publication in a volume of the AIRO Springer series.
Traditional CTW Extended abstracts (up to 4 pages) that will be published on the workshop webpage (subject to author’s approval).

Please download the call for paper that can be printed in A4 page format and distributed.


Standard papers submission CLOSED   JANUARY 30, 2020
Notification of acceptance for standard papers    MARCH 1st, 2020
Deadline for Extended abstract submissionAPRIL 12, 2020
Notification of acceptance for extended abstractsJune 15, 2020
Registration deadline   September 10, 2020
Workshop dates   September 14-16, 2020

A special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics, containing full length papers refereed according to DAM’s high standards, is also planned.

CTW2020 is sponsored by AIRO, the Italian Society for Operations Research, and by IASI-CNR, through the European Project MINOA.