Program schedule

Time Monday 14 Sept.Tuesday 15 Setp.Wedsneday 16 Sept.
10.00-10.10Opening SessionOpening connectionOpening connection
10.10-10.15Starting ParallelStarting ParallelStarting Parallel
10.15-11.45A: Graphs I
B: Routing I
A: Networks & Localization
B: Graph coloring
A: Graphs IV
B: MIP & applications
12.00-13.30A: Graphs II
B: MIP & Control Theory
A: Graphs & IP
B: Routing II
A: Algorithms & Graphs
B: Logistics
13.30-14.45long breaklong breaklong break
14.45-15.45A: Plenary session
Dan Bienstock
A: Plenary session
Marco Sciandrone
A: Games & algorithms
B: Machine Learning
16.00-17.00A: MINLP
B: Graphs III
A: Graphs & Polyhedra I
B: Distance Geometry
A: Hypergraphs
B: Graphs V
17.00-17.05short breakshort breakshort break
17.05-18.05A: Energy
B: Transportation
A: Graphs & Polyhedra II
B: Distance Geometry & Graphs
A: Graphs & Hypergraphs
B: Graphs VI
18.05-18.15Closing Session

Monday 14 September – 10.15-11.45 – Room A
Graphs I – chair Gentile
Optimal Tree Decompositions Revisited: A Simpler Linear-Time FPT Algorithm (Ernst Althaus and Sarah Ziegler) slides video
On superperfection of edge intersection graphs of paths (Hervé Kerivin and Annegret Wagler) slides video
Assur decompositions of direction-length frameworks (Anthony Nixon) video

Monday 14 September – 10.15-11.45 – Room B
Routing I – chair Stecca
A Lagrangian approach to Chance Constrained Routing with Local Broadcast (Matteo Cacciola, Antonio Frangioni, Laura Galli and Giovanni Stea) slides video
A Comparison Between Simultaneous and Hierarchical Approaches to Solve a Multi-Objective Location-Routing Problem (Aydin Teymourifar, Ana Maria Rodrigues and José Soeiro Ferreira) video
Synchronized Pickup and Delivery Problems with Connecting FIFO Stack (Michele Barbato, Alberto Ceselli and Nicolas Facchinetti) slides

Monday 14 September – 12.00-13.30 – Room A
Graphs II – chair Ventura
The Chromatic Polynomial of a Digraph (Johanna Wiehe and Winfried Hochstaettler) slides video
Additive Tree O( ρ log n)-Spanners from Tree Breadth ρ (Oliver Bendele and Dieter Rautenbach) slides video
On the Burning Number of p-Caterpillars (Michaela Hiller, Arie M.C.A. Koster and Eberhard Triesch) slides

Monday 14 September – 12.00-13.30 – Room B
MIP & Control Theory – chair Liberti
Special subclass of Generalized Semi-Markov Decision Processes with discrete time (Alexander Frank) slides video
Optimal Stationary Strategies for Stochastic Control Problems on Networks with Discounted Costs (Dmitrii Lozovanu and Stefan Pickl)
Piecewise Linear Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Fixed Number of Variables (Manuel Bodirsky, Marcello Mamino and Caterina Viola) slides video

Monday 14 September – 14.45-15.45 – Room A
Plenary Session – chair Leo Liberti
Dan Bienstock
Numerically hard polynomial optimization problems


Monday 14 September – 16.00-17.00 – Room A
MINLP – chair Gentile
A Simplicial Decomposition – Branch and Price for convex quadratic mixed binary problems (Enrico Bettiol, Lucas Létocart, Francesco Rinaldi and Emiliano Traversi) slides video
Gaining or Losing Perspective for Piecewise-Linear Under-Estimators of Convex Univariate Functions (Jon Lee, Daphne Skipper, Emily Speakman and Luze Xu) slides video

Monday 14 September – 16.00-17.00 – Room B
Graphs III – chair Ventura
Total chromatic sum for trees (Ewa Kubicka, Grzegorz Kubicki, Michal Malafiejski and Krzysztof M. Ocetkiewicz) video
Edge Tree Spanners (Fernanda Couto, Luis Cunha and Daniel Posner) slides video

Monday 14 September – 17.05-18.05 – Room A
Energy – chair Gentile
Start-up/Shut-down MINLP formulations for the Unit Commitment with Ramp Constraints (Tiziano Bacci, Antonio Frangioni and Claudio Gentile) slides video
Selecting and Initializing Representative Days for Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning with High Shares of Renewables (Giovanni Micheli, Maria Teresa Vespucci, Marco Stabile and Alessia Cortazzi) slides video

Monday 14 September – 17.05-18.05 – Room B
Transportation – chair Nicosia
On solving the time window assignment vehicle routing problem via iterated local search (Lucas Martins, Mayron Moreira, Manuel Iori and Giorgio Zucchi) slides video
The Interval Transportation Problem with a Cost Matrix Immune against the More-for-Less Paradox (Francesco Carrabs, Raffaele Cerulli, Ciriaco D’Ambrosio, Federico Della Croce and Monica Gentili)

Tuesday 15 September – 10.15-11.45 – Room A
Networks & Localization – chair Gentile
Optimal deployment of security virtual functions in Software-Defined Networks (SDN) (Sonia Haddad Vanier, Céline Gisquel and Alexandros Papadimitriou) slides video
An improved approximation algorithm for storage loading problems with stacking constraints (Tobias Oelschlägel and Sigrid Knust) video
Exact and heuristic approaches for the optimal welding location problem on the vehicle wiring harness (Maurizio Boccia, Adriano Masone, Antonio Sforza and Claudio Sterle) video

Tuesday 15 September – 10.15-11.45 – Room B
Graph coloring – chair Ventura
On List k -Coloring Convex Bipartite Graphs (Josep Diaz, Oznur Yasar Diner, Maria Serna and Oriol Serra) slides video
An incremental search heuristic for coloring vertices of a graph (Subhankar Ghosal and Sasthi Ghosh) slides video
Hypergraph aspect in equitable colorings of some block graphs (Janusz Dybizbański, Hanna Furmańczyk and Vahan Mkrchyan) slides video

Tuesday 15 September – 12.00-13.30 – Room A
Graphs and Integer Programming – Ventura
Tight bounds on global edge and complete alliances in trees (Robert Kozakiewicz, Robert Lewoń, Michał Małafiejski and Kacper Wereszko) slides video
A graph transformation for the clique interdiction problem with interdicted edges (Sara Mattia)
A heuristic for max-cut in toroidal grid graphs (Esteban Salgado, Claudio Gentile, Giovanni Rinaldi and Bao Duy Tran) slides video

Tuesday 15 September – 12.00-13.30 – Room B
Routing II – chair Furini
Efficient solutions for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Capacitated Alternative Fuel Stations (Maurizio Bruglieri, Daniele Ferone, Paola Festa and Ornella Pisacane) slides video
The Multi-color Traveling Salesman Problem (Emanuele Tresoldi, Juan José Salazar González and Roberto Wolfler Calvo) slides video
The Path-TSP: Two solvable cases (Eranda Çela, Vladimir Deineko and Gerhard J. Woeginger) slides video

Tuesday 15 September – 14.45-15.45 – Room A
Plenary Session – chair Giovanni Rinaldi
Marco Sciandrone
Optimization algorithms for zero-norm minimization video

Tuesday 15 September – 16.00-17.00 – Room A
Graphs and Polyhedra I – chair Ventura
Recognizing Cartesian products of matrices and polytopes (Manuel Aprile, Michele Conforti, Yuri Faenza, Samuel Fiorini, Tony Huynh and Marco Macchia) slides video
Forbidden Vertices for some classes of 0-1 polytopes (Esteban Salgado and Gustavo Angulo) slides video

Tuesday 15 September – 16.00-17.00 – Room B
Distance Geometry – chair Liberti
Maximum feasible subsystems of distance geometry constraints (Maurizio Bruglieri, Roberto Cordone and Leo Liberti)
A new algorithm for a class of Distance Geometry problems (Michael Souza, Douglas S. Gonçalves, Luiz M. Carvalho, Carlile Lavor and Leo Liberti) slides

Tuesday 15 September – 17.05-18.05 – Room A
Graphs and Polyhedra II – chair Gentile
The unsuitable neighbourhood inequalities for the fixed cardinality stable set polytope (Phillippe Samer and Dag Haugland) slides video
Comparing Formulations for Piecewise Convex Problems (Renan Spencer Trindade, Claudia D’Ambrosio, Antonio Frangioni and Claudio Gentile) slides video

Tuesday 15 September – 17.05-18.05 – Room B
Distance Geometry and Graphs – chair Ventura
A cycle-based formulation for the Distance Geometry Problem (Leo Liberti, Gabriele Iommazzo, Carlile Lavor and Nelson Maculan) slides video
Eventual versus Immediate Spreading: a Full Characterization of Graphs with Coinciding Geodetic and Hull numbers in P_3-convexity (Carmen Cecilia Centeno and Lucia Draque Penso)

Wednesday 16 September – 10.15-11.45 – Room A
Graphs IV – chair Gentile
On the Complexity of Minimum Maximal Induced Matching (Juhi Chaudhary and B. S. Panda) video
1,2,3 conjecture on some subclasses of bipartite graphs (B. S. Panda and Priyamvada Kumar) slides video
Improved Bounds on the Span of $L(1,2)$-edge Labeling of Some Infinite Regular Grids (Susobhan Bandopadhyay, Sasthi C. Ghosh and Subhasis Koley) slides video

Wednesday 16 September – 10.15-11.45 – Room B
MIP & applications – chair Furini
Integer Formulation for Computing Transaction Aggregation to Detect Credit Card Fraud (Mauro Escobar, Claudia D’Ambrosio, Leo Liberti and Sonia Vanier)
Optimal Planning of Waste Sorting Operations through Mixed Integer Linear Programming (Diego Maria Pinto and Giuseppe Stecca) slides video
Aircraft deconfliction via Mathematical Programming (Mercedes Pelegrín and Claudia D’Ambrosio)

Wednesday 16 September – 12.00-13.30 – Room A
Algorithms & Graphs – chair Pacifici
An Approximation Algorithm for Network Flow Interdiction with Unit Costs and Two Capacities (Jan Boeckmann and Clemens Thielen) slides video
Fair allocation of indivisible goods under conflict constraints (Nina Chiarelli, Matjaz Krnc, Martin Milanic, Ulrich Pferschy, Nevena Pivac and Joachim Schauer) slides
Fairness-utility trade-off in multi-agent scheduling (Alessandro Agnetis, Bo Chen, Gaia Nicosia and Andrea Pacifici) video

Wednesday 16 September – 12.00-13.30 – Room B
Logistics – chair Stecca
A metaheuristic apporach for biological sample transportation in healthcare (Paolo Detti, Garazi Zabalo Manrique de Lara and Mario Benini) video
A multiperiod drayage problem with flexible service periods (Ali Ghezelsoflu, Massimo Di Francesco, Antonio Frangioni and Paola Zuddas) slides video
A Robust model for the Restricted Block Relocation Problem (Paolo Ventura, Tiziano Bacci and Sara Mattia) video

Wednesday 16 September – 14.45-15.45 – Room A
Games & algorithms – chair Pacifici
An Optimal Algorithm for Stopping on the Element Closest to the Center of an Interval (Grzegorz Kubicki, Ewa Kubicka, Malgorzata Kuchta and Malgorzata Sulkowska)
Range-relaxed Graceful Game (Deise L. de Oliveira, Simone Dantas and Atílio G. Luiz) slides video

Wednesday 16 September – 14.45-15.45 – Room B
Machine Learning – chair Stecca
A Distributed Algorithm for Spectral Sparsification of Graphs with Applications to Data Clustering (Fabricio Mendoza-Granada and Marcos Villagra) slides video
Coupling Machine Learning and Integer Programming for Optimal TV Promo Scheduling (Ruggiero Seccia, Gianmaria Leo, Mehrnoosh Vahdat, Qiannan Gao and Hanadi Wali) slides

Wednesday 16 September – 16.00-17.00 – Room A
Hypergraphs – chair Gentile
Relating hypergraph parameters of generalized power graphs (Lucas Portugal, Renata Del Vecchio and Simone Dantas) slides
The monochromatic transversal game on clique-hypergraphs of powers of cycles (Wilder P. Mendes, Simone Dantas, Sylvain Gravier and Rodrigo Marinho) slides video

Wednesday 16 September – 16.00-17.00 – Room B
Graphs V – chair Ventura
A Sparse Matrix Approach for Covering Large Complex Networks by Cliques (Wali Mohammad Abdullah, Shahadat Hossain and Muhammad A. Khan) video
Directed Zagreb Indices (Barbara Anthony and Alison Marr) slides video

Wednesday 16 September – 17.05-18.05 – Room A
Graphs & Hypergraphs – chair Gentile
Embedding K5 and K3,3 on orientable surfaces (Andrei Gagarin and William Kocay) video
Tuning Ranking With Biased Exchange-Based Diffusion on Hyper-bag-graphs (Xavier Ouvrard, Jean-Marie Le Goff and Stephane Marchand-Maillet) slides video

Wednesday 16 September – 17.05-18.05 – Room B
Graphs VI – chair Ventura
On the benchmark instances for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts (Tiziano Bacci and Sara Nicoloso) video
Sequence graphs: characterization and counting of admissible elements (Sammy Khalife) slides video